Braking News


Growing a Lucrative Email List

Welcome to the second half of our intensive “refocus on your list” training!
I hope you completed the short questionnaire from last week, because this week we’re really building off those questions to get where we need to go. If you haven’t done it yet, click here to download it and take just 10 minutes to complete it. (It’s only 3 questions–super easy.) I promise, it will free you up and cultivate the right mindset to accomplish the goal for today’s episode, which is …
For those of you who might be new to the show, lead magnets are any free, valuable giveaway that you offer your audience in exchange for their email address.
To create a good lead magnet, of course, you need to know what your tribe wants and needs from you. Having it be a decent trade-off for the email address is just not going to cut it. You want your audience gasping “Wow! I can’t believe he/she is giving this away for free!”
Let me say this loud and clear: Do not be scared of giving away your best stuff for free.
I give away my best information all the time! (I’m doing it right now, as you might have noticed…and I give away even more on the full episode of today’s podcast.) It doesn’t hurt my bottom line at all, because in my paid products and programs, I dive much deeper and train much more specifically on those topics.
If you want to go deeper into today’s topic, click here to listen to the full episode. I’m going to teach a three-part strategy to help you build your list. And our goal is not conservative, folks! This strategy is designed to get you 75 new leads per week.
I’ve also created a great free download for you: it’s a cheat-sheet with 17 stellar examples of different kinds of lead magnets. Not only does it give some great inspiration for how to model your own giveaways, but it shows you where to place the opt-in boxes on your website for optimal conversion. Get it here.

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