So, you have started to RENT some REFERRALS on NEOBUX and not sure what should you do afterwards when their AVERAGE is TOO LOWor you aim for HIGHER AVERAGES from them? The idea is that you have to use the right tool to ENSURE RECYCLING ONLY THE TRULY BAD REFERRALS in order to MAXIMIZE your EARNINGS. Continue reading and SEE FOR YOURSELF how you can SAVE TIME, EFFORT and MONEY right from this moment!
It's SIMPLE, with the help of many experienced users' ideas and suggestions during the past four years, I have developed an evolving desktop SOFTWARE called NEOBUX REFERRALS HANDY MANAGER for helping me and you of course, on MONITORING the RENTED REFERRALS EASILY, QUICKLY and EFFECTIVELY without any troublesome Excel sheets or pen and paper ways trying to understand what you have rented! All you have to do is to import the exported rented referrals data daily from NEOBUX, apply filters, analyze graphs and profit , mark which referrals to be recycled, then perform the recycling!
This software is designed carefully to make it possible to see EVERY SINGLE DETAIL you need to know about particular REFERRAL such as; 240 DAYS long CLICKS GRAPH, AVERAGE, calculated EARNING and PROFIT over period of time.

Also, you can SORT your REFERRALS by their PROFIT, AVERAGE, CLICKS or ANYTHING you can think of you will find it here.
With a SINGLE BLINK, you can check where all your referrals are standing now. How much TOTAL PROFIT, TOTAL AVERAGE, current BEP? Plus many illustrative graphs that will help you on EVALUATING YOUR CURRENT RECYCLING STRATEGY EFFECTIVENESSand IMPACT on the AVERAGE of your referrals.


Have you CHOSEN to RECYCLE 100 REFERRALS once, do you know that this software can REDUCE TIME and EFFORT by guiding you through the most OPTIMUM STEPS required to ACCOMPLISH THIS TEDIOUS TASK?

There are SO MANY GREAT FEATURES out there that will make YOUR LIFE MUCH EASIER to properly MONITOR and MANAGE your RENTED REFERRALS, eventually leading to taking the MOST CORRECT RECYCLING DECISIONS, MORE CASH and SUCCESSFULNeobux experience.
Join THOUSANDS of registered Neobux USERS already USING my software and VERY HAPPY with the AMAZING RESULTS they have ACHIEVED with it. There is NOTHING TO LOSE because you can TRY it for FREE with NO TIME LIMIT.
This is offline software which does not require access to your Neobux account. So, it will not need any username or passowrds. It works only on the exported rented referrals data you provide either through text files or clipboard.
What existing customers say about this software?
giowck "Hey yahiatnt,
Last days my average has begun to drop dramatically, then I started to work on my recycle strategy and with the help of your software I spotted a lot of unprofitable RRs that had a high average but with a bad profit for the last 7-15 days (minus profit). Now my average is profitable again. Thank you so much! I'm not the excel guy, hate to do a lot of work to import every day the RR list. So without your software I would have given up a long time ago."
nca89 "Hi! I love your software very much. I used to spend a lot of time everyday copying my rented referrals on a spreadsheet in Excel, but now using this software it only takes me some seconds. I also save a lot of time when it comes to recycling referrals thanks to the many filters your software provides. Because of all that I am so happy! This software does what it has to do: helping you to save your own time, automating many tasks and making it so easy."
eraser2011 "The full version of the Neobux Referrals Handy Manager changed the way how I use Neobux. I don't need any Excel spreadsheets, scripts or something like that anymore to keep track of my referrals! It is now a lot easier for me to analyse them and to make decisions based on the handy graphs in this software.
It is also much quicker to recycle your Reffs, just set the filter how you like it, sort and mark them and use the Referrals Recycling Assistance Wizard.
This software is worth every penny and I don't regret that I bought it!"
pythagoras345 "I just love your tool. Use it daily from day one and it has thought me a great deal in a very short time as a newbie. It is also a time saver. And above all, I couldn't make such a tool. Actually one can see the effect of recycling in the Handy RR Manager in the average of the whole team. It raises if one does, it sinks if one doesn't or does less. And pretty fast."
Vankou "Such a useful and easy to operate software. I've got the full version less than a week ago and i have already maximized my income from my referrals from 0 to 50% to the awesome 100% - 200% !!! Thanks to the Neobux Referrals Handy Manager. So many good things to list about this program, but here is one - when i downloaded the full version i found out u get to share it with a friend - 2 for the price of one! Great Job Guys and Thanks!"
HvW77 "You created a super useful software which saves the user a whole heap of money. Personally I know how much work it is not only to code software like this but also taking care of customers, doing marketing ... etc. And after all this work you take such a little price for this software (which is less than nothing compared to the savings I already had because of it). I’m really impressed and have to say: You are a nice guy, man!"
Some Interesting Discussion Topics on Our Forum
No Seriously, Why Do Prefer Excel Spreadsheets on NRHM?!!
You can't solely depend on Referral Since & Average Filters
How yahiatnt uses NRHM everyday?
Implementing Reggen666's Recycling Strategy with NRHM
Typical Referrals Filters
This is offline software which does not require access to your Neobux account. So, it will not need any username or passowrds. It works only on the exported rented referrals data you provide either through text files or clipboard.