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Ask your islamic questions and answers

Ask your islamic questions and answers and get authentic reply soon in English, Bangla and in other languages, Ask an Islamic Scholar your Question. Never ever ask for any questions from google that has no relation with Quran and Sahih hadith. There are many people you will see they just search on google and take fatwa from those website's which is not authentic. 

islamic questions and answers OnlineThis post is about a website where you will find islamic questions and answers and you can ask your own questions yourself, and also this article is to aware you from those website's which gives you wrong information about islam, and also many website's where public can answer your question. So, i request you please don't ask any questions in those website's which will lead you in the wrong path,
Copyright islamic questions and answers

Where to ask islamic questions and answers ? is the best Islamic Website which provides Free Islamic questions and answers online in many different languages including Bengali, english, Arabic, Urdu, Hindi

Why to ask Islamic questions and answers online ?

There are many resons why to ask islamic questions online and get answers online, This question can arise from a muslim or non-muslim. If you are a non-muslim, you are welcome, You can ask any question you need to know about islam and If you are muslim and you fear Allah(swt) you will always try to go in the right path, the path Muhammed(S) taught us. So if you want to go in that path you need to have some islamic knowledge, You need to gain some knowledge about islam. Every muslim should have this knowledge, and in every path question will arise. So you can always ask any questions there.

How to find Islamic questions and answers in your Language

it's really easy and simple, the default website is and whenever you want to visit the site in Bengali change the link like this and for english vistit and For Arabic ,  Urdu  , Hindi . That's it now you can read your answers in your language.

How ask Islamic questions and answers online ?

  • Go to Islamqa and from the right side select "Send a Question" or simply go to , Remember to visit in their given time which is Local time = 17:00 . In BDT which 8:00 PM
send islamic questions and answers

  • IF YOU DON'T VISIT IN Local time = 17:00, They will show you a message like this.
visit again islamic questions and answers

islamic questions and answer Submit QA

  • After you Create Question, you will get Your question number, and You will see a thank you page and your question is submitted.
islamic questions and answers Online: Where to ask ?
  • Now wait until you get your reply.

This article was about islamic questions and answers.So from now on you can ask your question online and get a great reply. Still I cannot assure you they are 100% correct, before you take any answers into consideration match it with Quran and Hadith. If you still face any problem while asking question you can contact me. Just comment below and i will try to relpy you as soon as possible in sha Allah :).

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