Braking News


Earn Money Per day $5 - $7

A short Review of Traffic Hurricane:

  • Name: Traffic Hurricane
  • Admin: Earnie Ganz
  • Online since: August 2016
  • Catagory: PTC + Revenue Share + Traffic Exchange + Advertising Company
  • PTC Click Value: 0.001$, 0.005$, 0.01$, 0.02$ Per Click
  • Refer Commission: 100% From PTC click value + 10% From purchase advertising
  • Adpack Prices: 25$, 50$
  • Revenue Share: 110%
  • Daily Cap: 2%
  • Maturity: 55 Days
  • Minimum withdraw: 2$
  • Withdrawal duration: Instant
  • Payment Methods: Payza, Solid Trust Pay, Bitcoin, Bank Wire
  • Join Now:

How do I make money with TrafficHurricane?

Think of Traffic Hurricane as a traffic exchange mixed with a paid-to-click site.
But instead of rental referrals, we have adpacks that give ad service + upgrading positions that share up to $55 .. You must click at least 50 ads in the traffic exchange to qualify for referral click earnings & sharing each day.. Qualifying lasts 24 hours, just like needing to qualify for referral clicks & rental earnings on a paid-to-click.
Some have wondered— can earning on a paid-to-click site be profitable? If so, how?
More referrals will be more money for you.
10 referrals X $0.10 earnings from Hurricane Ca$h X 30 days = $30 from your referral clicks
10 referrals X $0.10 earnings from Hurricane Ca$h X 365 days = $365 from your referral clicks
500 referrals X $0.10 earnings from Hurricane Ca$h X 30 days = $1,500 from your referral clicks
500 referrals X $0.10 earnings from Hurricane Ca$h X 365 days = $18,250 from your referral clicks
1000 referrals X $0.10 earnings from Hurricane Ca$h X 30 days = $3,000 from your referral clicks
1000 referrals X $0.10 earnings from Hurricane Ca$h X 365 days = $36,500 from your referral clicks

There are really 4 opportunities to earn with traffic hurricane.

  • Paid to click
  • Using ad services to generate leads to make money in your primary business
  • Upgrading profits
  • Direct sales commissions
Each one can be your main focus, or all of them. Naturally, the more you utilize all 4 of these ways to earn money, the more you’ll earn.You’ll receive 10% commissions from all your referral purchases, except for Hurricane Ca$h purchases. There’s no commissions from Hurricane Ca$h purchases, because all the money from those purchases are divided up to be rewarded to clickers and the sponsor of the clicker.
Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program

Profit Sharing Services:

  • Pay-Per-Click Banner Ad Campaigns
  • Pay-Per-Click Text Ad Campaigns
  • Traffic Exchange Start Pages
  • Traffic Exchange Credit Purchases
  • Hurricane Traffic Packages
  • Login Ads
  • Start Page Advertising
  • And More to come!

Revenue Share Plane:

Mobile Adpack Price: 25$ (Returns: 27.5$)
Combo Adpack: Price: 50$ (Returns: 55$)
Both Rio: 110%, Daily Returns: 2%, Mature in 55 Days

What’s your minimum payout?

You can request your first payment when your balance reaches $2.00
This minimum increases by $1.00 for each withdrawal until you reach $10.00
($2.00, then $3.00, then $4.00, and so forth up to $10.00)
Then, your minimum will remain at $10.00

What payment processors do you accept?

They accept Payza and STP, Bitcoin, Bank Wire

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